Monday, December 03, 2007

Time Trippin'

SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW HISTORY? Maybe so – but actor-comedian Chris “Johnny” Daley learns Jamaican history by magic when ghosts from the past put him straight about facts he took for granted. The stories unfold in the new dramatized six-part series TIME TRIP by Video for Change.
Did Christopher Columbus really discover a ‘new world’ ? A young Taino woman ghost reminds us that her people were in Jamaica thousands of years before Columbus arrived. In fact, the Tainos found it quite annoying when Columbus kept asking “Where’s India? Where’s China? Where’s Japan?”
Chris Daley’s second encounter is with a rascally sailor from a slave ship who explains the trade in captive Africans, and the profits it made for Queens, Barons, Dukes - and even the Bank of England. A strong-spirited woman cane cutter combines humour and pathos in her story, and an enslaved descendant of an African Chieftain relates the dangers of his escape to join Nanny and the Maroons. The next encounter is with a courageous and intriguing Haitian housemaid brought to Jamaica by her owner during the Haitian revolution – the first successful Black revolution in the western world. In the final Episode, our traveler Chris Daley meets a brave warrior who fought at Sam Sharpe’s side in 1831.
The cast of the Time Trip Series includes well known actors Nadean Rawlins, Brian Heap, Deanne Allgrove, Damion Radcliffe, Michelle Serieux and Saun Drysdale. Each segment ends with an original rap song summing up the story, composed and performed by the talented group From The Deep.
Although the series is primarily aimed at students, the humour and excitement of the stories attract audiences of all ages. This innovative DVD series is the work of its creative directors/producers, Cynthia Wilmot and Hilary Nicholson, while support for the project came from CHASE. (END)

CONTACT: Hilary Nicholson 926 0882, 927-7599, 532-0996
Cynthia Wilmot, 750 0748

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